Are you a Worrier?
Worry and anticipation is a funny thing. If you are anticipating something fun it can seem like you can’t focus, you might think about it constantly, you might talk about it to anyone who will listen, all with a big smile on your face.
Anticipating something stressful, however, can do all of the same things — just without the smile. In this case rather than being excited you are filled with dread over what you think is about to come.

But what if you feel that sense of dread all of the time, whether there is something good or bad ahead of you?
Unfortunately, many live day-to-day in a near state of panic, dreading almost everything about their life, waking up every morning with the sense that something terrible is about to happen, or that everything they have to do or want to do will go badly.
The constant feeling of dread is a symptom of an anxiety disorder and can often go unrecognised.
This lack of awareness of a problem can happen because these feelings have either slowly become more frequent and intense or they have always been present so they seem normal.
What people don’t see in these individuals is that they are constantly worried about, well, everything.
Dealing with anxiety can be a constant fight to get past a suffocating feeling of dread. You may worry about things that haven’t happened, aren’t likely to happen, or are flat out impossible. Living in fear even though there’s nothing to be afraid of is the norm. I recently worked with a lady who now lives on her own. Daytime events and life was fine, however she had an uncontrollable worry of feeling safe since losing her husband and had had developed an urge of checking all locks were secure and taps were turned off. Checking everything again and again until she was able to stay in bed and sleep.
These feelings of worry and dread can also have dire consequences on your physical health and relationships. Physical responses in the form of panic attacks, high blood pressure, and nausea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), are all common. And unfortunately this can begin a cycle of worsening problems with the physical symptoms that result from the anxiety causing additional anxiety over health concerns, and even worry about death.
So how does someone cope with feelings of dread, worry and fear?

Well, that depends a great deal on the severity of those feelings. There are certain things that can be helpful on a day-to-day basis, but some people will need the help of therapy to learn techniques for managing these feelings and to release and be able to live in peace.
Try to identify the source of your worry. Then ask, is my concern rational or am I over thinking this?
Close your eyes and breathe deeply for a minute. Concentrate on controlling your breath and focus on slowing your heart-rate.
Take a walk and remove yourself from the situation. Often a change in scenery will allow your thoughts to reset.
Steer clear of your known triggers. If reading about someone with a rare form of cancer convinces you that you also have it, make a point not to read articles of that nature and please…stop watching the news. It is a select view of the horrid things going on in the world and an unbalanced view.
If you are an anxiety sufferer it may always be a part of your life, but it doesn’t need to overtake your day-to-day. Even the most extreme anxiety disorders can be treated so that the symptoms aren’t overwhelming. If you find that your life, relationships, and happiness are being compromised by constant dread and worry it may be time to do something about it. In therapy, my clients find they achieve profound, rapid results.
Be present & breathe!
As a Newbie, I am always searching online for articles that can help me. Thank you